20 diagnoses with the highest share of people with persistently high healthcare spending in 2015

  1. HIV infection: 61.6%
  2. Multiple sclerosis: 61.6%
  3. Cystic fibrosis: 57.6%
  4. Multiple myeloma: 48.1%
  5. Secondary malignancies: 47.7%
  6. Cancer of liver: 39.9%
  7. Cancer of pancreas: 38.0%
  8. Malignant neoplasm: 32.6%
  9. Cancer of other GI organs; peritoneum: 32.2%
  10. Chemotherapy; radiotherapy: 31.8%
  11. Aspiration pneumonitis: food/vomitus: 30.0%
  12. Rheumatoid arthritis: 29.2%
  13. Cancer of bronchus: lung: 28.5%
  14. Leukemias: 27.4%
  15. Regional enteritis and ulcerative colitis: 26.6%
  16. Respiratory failure: 26.1%
  17. Acute and unspecified renal failure: 25.6%
  18. Cancer of rectum and anus: 24.2%
  19. Septicemia (except in labor): 22.2%
  20. Cancer of brain and nervous system: 22.1%
Notes: From an article entitled, "A look at people who have persistently high spending on health care"

Source: Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker/Kaiser Family Foundation, July 22, 2019 - https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/brief/a-look-at-people-who-have-persistentl…